Frequently Asked Questions – Categories

EZY Skills offers a range of accredited elearning (self learn) courses  in Project Management, Change Management, Risk Management and Business Case writing. All our courses offer professional globally recognised certification.

We have organised the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQ’s) into the six categories below to help you navigate directly to your specific area of interest. Click to learn more.



All you questions answered re: the benefits of elearning  vs traditional training delivery methods like classroom based instruction and the recent arrival of “virtual online training” or “zoom classes” as they are commonly known as today.

EZY Skills

EZY Skills

Learn everything you wanted to know about the benefits of using EZY Skills.

Training Organisations

Training Organisations

Learn everything you wanted to know about the organisations invloved in the Training, Delivery and Certification courses, including the Examination Institutes. Familiarise yourself with the various terms and definitions used in the answers.


About Courses

Learn everything about the range of courses we offer, the meanings of  the various acronymns used in our explanations, our view on the camparison between various methodologies and reasons to “Learn Upskill Get Certified” in a particular profession or course to help build your credentials, meet career plans and help earn more money.


About Examinations

All your questions about examinations such as how much do they cost, how do i book them, how can i re-schedule them etc. are answered


About Certification

All your questions as to what happens after the exam such a receiving the certificate are answered.

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